Monday, September 5, 2011

This is the New Sheriff

So...a few people have asked who it is that will be taking over the accounts?
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or this blog and the next generation of social media that the Toronto Police choose to use...or more correctly, the ones that you tell us by your presence, which ones we should use.

There really was only one logical choice all along.  He was my partner for more than a year, so I knew he had the understanding of not only what I was doing on the social streams, but he gets how traffic works.  Those two were important.  He's made many suggestions for what I should say and post.  (Usually when I wanted to say something really bold.  He would talk me off the ledge and make a much better suggestions).

Everyone in the media is accustomed to him so it won't be a shock or a learning curve for you either.

Ladies and gentlemen please give a really warm welcome to Police Constable Hugh Smith!!

Surprise!!! Why go looking for someone when the best is right beside you.

Hugh will have some help though.  With the training that has been happening within the Toronto Police Service, Traffic Services has some people trained in the use of the tools.  More Tweeters are coming and help with this blog and the fan page are just around the corner.

But for now...please say "Hi" and give Hugh a BIG warm welcome...(I've changed the settings so he will get everyone of these so let him know you are looking forward to his tweets).   I'm off for a week (my therapy session for letting this go) so he won't be able to yell at me. LOL!!

There will be an adjustment period.  Hugh will do a great job.  Give him a little time and a little patience.

So, I'm moving full time to the @TorontoPolice account on Twitter and the Facebook Fan page there as well.

I will be more active on my personal account, but there still wont be anything Toronto Police related. Some traffic safety information and general police info will get in there but it's by no means a police account.

In closing...Thanks for the memories!

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